Surviving a Devastating Earthquake Learning from the Haiti experience Produced by Barbadian Director Bob Harris, the documentary tells the story of what happened when the 7.0 magnitude Haiti earthquake struck on January 12, 2010, and how Jamaica would cope with such an event now. ‘QUAKE: Haiti in Jamaica’, a documentary dealing with the implications for […]
Global Reef Expedition – Cay Sal Bank
Alabama Pilot’s Nightmare in Shark-infested Waters May Help Save Coral Reefs Twenty five years ago, on December 4, 1986, Walter Wyatt’s plane crashed in the waters of Cay Sal Bank, a remote area between Cuba and The Bahamas. It sank almost immediately. Walter, who now lives in Enterprise, Alabama, spent a night in the ocean […]
UK Caribbean Business Forum on Climate Change 2007
UK and Caribbean business leaders to discuss the threats and opportunities arising from climate change. 2nd UK/Caribbean Business Forum, 8th June, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. According to scientists working with the United Nations, the international community has only to 2020 until reverse the process of climate change through reducing carbon emissions if catastrophic […]