Elimu Mas

About Elimu Mas

ELIMU Swahili for ‘Education’ or ‘Knowledge’, originally operated as a community education centre on the Harrow Road servicing Westminster pupils excluded from school or truanting on a regular basis. The Project was funded and managed by the Westminster Community Relations Council (WCCR) and its Director was Ansel Wong and Senior Youth Worker, Patricia Jaggs.

The first involvement in Carnival was the production in 1980 of an 8mm film on Carnival called Play Mas. The success of this film and the positive experiences of the youths involved in the Carnival, not as spectators but as participants, resulted into the Centre bringing a Carnival Band in 1981.

Since then, the Band has participated in every Carnival to date. Our Carnival designer was Meilin Sancho. Elimu has over 28 years experience of successful participation in the Carnival.

ELIMU joined forces with Paddington Arts in 2001 and became Elimu Paddington Arts Mas Band and they have participated in the Notting Hill Carnival every year since then.

Notting Hill Carnival 2016 Theme – The Last Daughters

Connect with Elimu Mas online

Resurrection Carnival Facebook

For all information on Mas costume prices or to get involved please contact Fusion Community Carnival Arts.

Click here for more Mas Bands in the UK