About Midlands Jamaica Aid
The main aim of Midlands Jamaica Aid is to enable recycled computers and equipment to be sent from the UK to the Caribbean Islands to enhance education and health across the West Indies.
This exciting initiative to help underprivileged children in Jamaica and the Caribbean with their education was started through the foresight of Michael Dockery, a former pupil of a local school in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica.
Since then ideas and exchanges have enabled Midlands Jamaica Aid (MJA) to become a reality and charitable status achieved through the charity commission in February 2008
Aims and Objectives
To advance the education of pupils in schools and colleges in the West Indies
To relive sickness and financial hardship and to preserve the good health of people living in the West Indies by providing or assisting in the provision of equipment or assistance.
To access the necessary funding to transport primarily (but not exclusively) used goods and equipment to the public sector schools, hospitals, churches and other charitable organisations in the West Indies.
To work in partnership with other charitable agencies to help alleviate suffering in times of crises in the West Indies.
To highlight and raise awareness with the Statutory Authorities concerned with the West Indies.
Consignments full of computer equipment and an assortment of books, pencils, etc have already been sent to several schools in St. Elizabeth. It is hoped that the next consignment will consist of equipment for hospitals.
New Members are welcome, and regular newsletters will be issued
For further information please contact
Midlands Jamaica Aid (MJA)
Registered No. 5780566
Charity No.1123105
Midlands Jamaica Aid Contact Details
Address: Kensington House, 26 James Street West End Stoke on Trent Staffordshire ST4 5HD
☎ 01782 747 385